Last weekend was very nice, on friday birthday party of Baran, it was very nices and interesting, one of the best parties I've been here in Eindhove, nice music, nice food, and nice people, all the ingredients to spend a good time. And on Saturday I've got really early to make some work, and I went with "Naxo" to Phillips Stadium to buy some tickets to see PSV vs Liverpool, the problem is that I¡ve forgotten that the match day I'm going to Florence...aixxxx Later trip to Herleem, a small town in the south of the Netherlands...there we went to the Mcdonalds....I think each city I visit...Mcdonalds I visit, the most funny think is that I discover a new way of eating Sundy with french fries, recipe by Marina. Later we went to see and architecture exposition in the musuem, it was really interesting, I wasn't expecting too much....because I'm not an "arquitect expert", but it was really nice. Later we went to visit de "city", it was quite empty, but it was nice to see another place. Finally we went back to our lovely Eindhoven, I went to eat in Bruno's and Ibai's, there Terrance coock a really nice dish with nice wine, finally we went to the old Phillips Complex where I meet one spanish girl coincidences that was working there... Finally on sunday, I recive the visit of Pol, a guy who is working in Amsterdamm, and we went to visit some expostion of the "Dutch Design Week", it was nice. To sump up a nice cultural weekend!
Hace 13 años
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