Oh yesterday I think was my best day in Eindhoven.
1- I had to wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning to study Marketing...yes marketing, I choose this subject because I thought it was going to be easy to pass...I was wrong.
2- At 9 o'clock I decide to go to the university. I take my bike and I start riding...i start listening a strange noise I decide to check the "engine"...OH MY GOD MY WHEEL WAS PUNCHED...so I decided to go back leave my back..and go walking to the university.
3- Walking: walking is not a problem...but here it is! and is a big problem whe outside is full of snow and ice...and dutch cities are not designed to pedastrians, the rail bike where clean without snow...but the sidewalk...was full of ice of snow...so 20 minutes walking in that conditions with a temperature of -8º was the perfect way to start de day. That's the netherlands or is SIBERIA???? I try to make and experiment...so I spit to see if the spit hets froze before before touching the ground...but did'nt happend.
4- University: I arrive to the library where I soppose to meet with my friend and ·marketing collegue" Gorroño, he arrives "late", and we start stududying...he convince me to don't have lunch, that we have to study...the exam was at 2 o'clock in the afternoon and finishes at 5.
5-Starving: the exam was Ok (that's what I hope), but I was starving...is horrible doing and exam starving...and full of mucus and any paper to blow my nose...this kind of uncomftable situations everybody hates.
6-Going home: we went to have some beers to celebrate...we finish the exam...I decided to take the bust to go home...but makeing some estimations, walking to the bus station was more or less like going to my house....so I decide to go home walking....again -10º, snow and ice....when I was walkig through a street whith nobody....just when a girl goes out of his home, I slept and I fall down to the floor.....I didn't get injury....but the best was the reaction of the girl, impassivity (any reaction), you see someone falling in front of you....I don't know you can help...or you can laugh....but nothing. Maybe the cold is also freezing people stimuls and sense of humor....
7- At home:I arrive to my house...freezing outside, sweeting inside...life is full of contasts LOL. The temperature in my house was 28º (hotter than some days in Barcelona during summer) and I can go with shorts....amazing, sometimes I think I live in a Sauna. Currently I'm afraid because with the insde high temperature and the low temperature outside one day I'll open the street door and I'll create a tornado or huracan. If some tornado hits eindhoven...I appologises in advance, I'll try to be carefull.
Conclusion: currently a bike is usless, I need to buy a sledge with some huskys...maybe I can find some in the station. If not I'll go to the supermarket, I'll buy provisions for a month...and I'll stay at home...sweeting... Or the other solution is fixing my bike...but i prefer a sledge or BETTER a SNOW BIKE....
White TU/e, is more beatiful with the snow...white color sutes tu/e.
Oh my god...snow and more snow
Ice skating...amazing a big river (canal) behind my house completly frozen and people iceskating...there is people that enjoys this weather...it sucks LoL